Now, we want to find out what YOU think.
Mark your calendars as the FOL Afternoon Book Group commemorates Women’s History Month!
We’re trying a different book discussion approach...
Rather than discussing the same book, we’ll share ideas about a variety of books with a unifying topic: Women’s History.
Check-out the attached reading list for highly rated titles. Want-to-read a title not included on this list? No problem. Most importantly, select a title YOU want to read.
Here’s how-to get started:
· Look-over the title list and the brief summaries
· Select one – or several – titles you’d like to read
· Try something new! Select a book you haven’t yet read
· Check the DCDL catalog for availability. Remember to check Libby & Hoopla
· Read & Enjoy!
· Come to Book Group and share how your book/s provide insight to women’s lives and experiences
We're really excited about this reading list and March’s upcoming discussion. This format was suggested by Book Group Member Frank Schiraldi. What’s his “reward”? Frank will facilitate – and encourage everyone’s participation -- at our March discussion. This is gonna be fun!